[Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through paralel port
Zelimir Ikovic
2010-04-18 00:04:26 UTC
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma machine. It work very well and smooth under win200, but in WinXP machine motion is not good.

It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for the process ...

How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on version of Linux ...

What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I wait 10 microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on ...

Benoît Minisini
2010-04-18 00:20:48 UTC
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma machine. It work very well and
smooth under win200, but in WinXP machine motion is not good.
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for the process ...
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on version of Linux ...
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I wait 10 microsec do something
wait 10 microsec and so on ...
If you use timers, then the interpreter maintains a list of all timers, and
knows how long it should wait before the next timer must be raised.

If the interpreter must wait more than 10 ms, then he sleeps inside the
select() system call.

If he must wait less than 10 ms, then he enters a busy loop that takes 100%
CPU before doing the select() system call once with a timeout of zero.

Otherwise, if you don't use timers, you can use:

- The WAIT instruction. This instruction runs an event loop, so you have the
same behaviour as above.

- The SLEEP instruction, which uses the nanosleep() system call. At the
moment, SLEEP does not do busy loops for very small delays. This may change in
the future, in Gambas 3.

Benoît Minisini
Les Hardy
2010-04-18 07:30:26 UTC
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma machine. It work very well and smooth under win200, but in WinXP machine motion is not good.
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for the process ...
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on version of Linux ...
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I wait 10 microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on ...
Hi, First of all, I apologise for giving winxp help in a Gambas mailing
list, I will make it brief.
Parallel port access change when winxp came along. It was not so easy to
get direct access to the port, and some versions of winxp look for
devices by periodically writing to the port. This is may be the cause of
poor motion. This can be fixed by setting the 'DisableWarmPoll' key in
the registry.

Doriano Blengino
2010-04-18 18:27:50 UTC
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma machine. It work very well and smooth under win200, but in WinXP machine motion is not good.
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for the process ...
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on version of Linux ...
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I wait 10 microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on ...
Uhm... under linux, no matter what version, you can use the parallel
port and high resolution timers, but... 10 us? What is the speed of your
Anyway, I see it difficult to do it in gambas, mainly because of tight
GUI integration and impossibility to use interrupts; the best way would
be to separate hi-level logic from lo-level timing, perhaps through a
library written in C.
Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."
Les Hardy
2010-04-18 19:27:13 UTC
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma machine. It work very well and smooth under win200, but in WinXP machine motion is not good.
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for the process ...
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on version of Linux ...
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I wait 10 microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on ...
Uhm... under linux, no matter what version, you can use the parallel
port and high resolution timers, but... 10 us? What is the speed of your
Anyway, I see it difficult to do it in gambas, mainly because of tight
GUI integration and impossibility to use interrupts; the best way would
be to separate hi-level logic from lo-level timing, perhaps through a
library written in C.
Yes, I agree. I did a lot of work with parallel ports in the past, but I
would not attempt a serious application for that job in Gambas.

Since I retired, I have been building my own hobby CNC machines, but I
just use EMC2. It is GPL, and very efficient, so I figured I had no need
to write my own app.

Les Hardy
Zelimir Ikovic
2010-04-18 18:59:27 UTC
To run a stepper we need 2 pins: one for direction: 0 is clckwise, 5V is CounterClockWise.
Second pin is for stepping. I have to bring 5V and keep it for 200 nanosec or more with WAIT1 SUB then bring 0V, and then I need precise amount of time to wait. It has to be precise because speed of machine depends on it
I have to wait let say between 100 and 10000 microsec. If I wait 100microsec machine will move at 10 inch per sec which is maximum I need

Here is how I do it in VB6 on win2000 (On winXP it is not smooth I feel machine will fall apart, and there is not help for this I try everything, only solution is WinXPembedded):
Public Sub WAIT1(w As Long)
Dim kf As Long
For kf = 1 To w
Next kf
End Sub
Public Sub WAIT2(s As Double)
Dim c1 As Currency
Dim c2 As Currency
QueryPerformanceCounter c1
QueryPerformanceCounter c2
Loop Until ((c2 - c1 - overhead) / freq) > s
End Sub
'run this at begining of the program to measure freq
Public Sub OVER()
Dim CT1 As Currency
Dim CT2 As Currency
QueryPerformanceFrequency freq
QueryPerformanceCounter CT1
QueryPerformanceCounter CT2
overhead = (CT2 - CT1) / freq
End Sub
Public freq As Currency
Public overhead As Currency
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through paralel port
Received: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 11:27 AM
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma machine. It
work very well and smooth under win200, but in WinXP machine
motion is not good.
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for the
process ...
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on
version of Linux ...
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I wait 10
microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on ...
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
Uhm... under linux, no matter what version, you can use the
port and high resolution timers, but... 10 us? What is the
speed of your
Anyway, I see it difficult to do it in gambas, mainly
because of tight
GUI integration and impossibility to use interrupts; the
best way would
be to separate hi-level logic from lo-level timing, perhaps
through a
library written in C.
Doriano Blengino
"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."
Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval
Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling,
find bugs
proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel
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Gambas-user mailing list
Zelimir Ikovic
2010-04-18 20:17:12 UTC
I wanted to know how predictable and reliable GAMBAS is when a reaction to real-world events is required.

Let say that Java RealTimeSystem is intended only for suitable operating systems, which means that only a
real-time operating system, such as QNX, is appropriate for implementing the JVM.
So that means it depends on underlynig OS version ...

Simply installing an RTS extension
and renaming java.lang.Thread instances to
javax.realtime.RealtimeThread will not turn the
application into a real-time app.

I just wanted to know what is Gamas reaction to real world compared under different underlyng OS.
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux are not he same.
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through paralel port
Received: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 12:27 PM
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma
machine. It work very well and smooth under win200, but in
WinXP machine motion is not good.
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for
the process ...
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on
version of Linux ...
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I
wait 10 microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
Uhm... under linux, no matter what version, you can
use the parallel
Post by Doriano Blengino
port and high resolution timers, but... 10 us? What is
the speed of your
Post by Doriano Blengino
Anyway, I see it difficult to do it in gambas, mainly
because of tight
Post by Doriano Blengino
GUI integration and impossibility to use interrupts;
the best way would
Post by Doriano Blengino
be to separate hi-level logic from lo-level timing,
perhaps through a
Post by Doriano Blengino
library written in C.
Yes, I agree. I did a lot of work with parallel ports in
the past, but I
would not attempt a serious application for that job in
Since I retired, I have been building my own hobby CNC
machines, but I
just use EMC2. It is GPL, and very efficient, so I figured
I had no need
to write my own app.
Les Hardy
Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval
Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling,
find bugs
proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel
See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
Gambas-user mailing list
2010-04-18 20:54:55 UTC
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I wanted to know how predictable and reliable GAMBAS is when a reaction to real-world events is required.
Let say that Java RealTimeSystem is intended only for suitable operating systems, which means that only a
real-time operating system, such as QNX, is appropriate for implementing the JVM.
So that means it depends on underlynig OS version ...
Simply installing an RTS extension
and renaming java.lang.Thread instances to
javax.realtime.RealtimeThread will not turn the
application into a real-time app.
I just wanted to know what is Gamas reaction to real world compared under different underlyng OS.
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux are not he same.
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through paralel port
Received: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 12:27 PM
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma
machine. It work very well and smooth under win200, but in
WinXP machine motion is not good.
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for
the process ...
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on
version of Linux ...
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I
wait 10 microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
Uhm... under linux, no matter what version, you can
use the parallel
Post by Doriano Blengino
port and high resolution timers, but... 10 us? What is
the speed of your
Post by Doriano Blengino
Anyway, I see it difficult to do it in gambas, mainly
because of tight
Post by Doriano Blengino
GUI integration and impossibility to use interrupts;
the best way would
Post by Doriano Blengino
be to separate hi-level logic from lo-level timing,
perhaps through a
Post by Doriano Blengino
library written in C.
Yes, I agree. I did a lot of work with parallel ports in
the past, but I
would not attempt a serious application for that job in
Since I retired, I have been building my own hobby CNC
machines, but I
just use EMC2. It is GPL, and very efficient, so I figured
I had no need
to write my own app.
Les Hardy
I have used Gambas for on-screen scrolling of large screens with a 3ms
tick rate and it was pleasing to the eye (meaning no discernible
jitter). The minimum time resolution - as I understand it - is 1 ms at
present. You can of course calibrate your own timing loops if your
application is the only job the computer has to do.

Werner Dahn
Doriano Blengino
2010-04-18 21:07:55 UTC
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I wanted to know how predictable and reliable GAMBAS is when a reaction to real-world events is required.
Let say that Java RealTimeSystem is intended only for suitable operating systems, which means that only a
real-time operating system, such as QNX, is appropriate for implementing the JVM.
So that means it depends on underlynig OS version ...
Simply installing an RTS extension
and renaming java.lang.Thread instances to
javax.realtime.RealtimeThread will not turn the
application into a real-time app.
I just wanted to know what is Gamas reaction to real world compared under different underlyng OS.
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux are not he same.
I understand but, let me say, your sample code had nothing to do with
realtime... it was simply "fast as much as possible", without any
mechanism to ensure some kind of real-time response to some event. To
only read a counter is not enough. I can run 4 stepper motors directly
(no step+direction, but driving the phases directly instead) with a CPU
more than 100 times slower than a x86 CPU. But this is possible using
interrupts. Practically every OS can, in some way, use interrupts -
gambas can not. So, the only way in gambas to do precise timing is to
let it run alone, with maximum priority and privileges. Or, to delegate
high timing precision to some external piece of software (a libray or a
driver) which can take advantage of interrupts, or callbacks, or signals.

On the other hand I think that gambas can, with tight loops, do delays
like you did in the original source. Surely it is predictable enough to
let you calculate in some way the correct amount of cycling to obtain
the needed delay - the fact is that gambas will never be the only thing
running on the system, and you have little control about that. The same
problem of windows xp - if you want precise timing, you must obtain
privileges, either for the program or using a driver. I must also add
that, without particular precautions, linux is more predictable about
sleep() than win2000 or xp.

Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."
2010-04-18 22:50:20 UTC
I use Gambas for nearly real-time work
and it performs remarkably well, actually quite impressed.
Far better than VB
I have a data stream at 13.5 Kbps coming in from a remote modem
requiring immediate work and turn around output.
It might not seem like a fast stream, but the remote end requires a
response immediately otherwise there are resends. It works!
Gambas 1.0.19 graphical, FC4, samba
Longest running time was about 420 days sans error.
Some rules to follow:
multiple core if you have it: good!
remove unneed cron jobs.
reduce overhead.
turn swap off.
Very clean efficient programming as possible

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Doriano Blengino <***@fastwebnet.it>
To: mailing list for gambas users <gambas-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 23:07:55 +0200
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through paralel port
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I wanted to know how predictable and reliable GAMBAS is when a reaction to real-world
events is required.
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
Let say that Java RealTimeSystem is intended only for suitable operating systems,
which means that only a
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
real-time operating system, such as QNX, is appropriate for implementing the JVM.
So that means it depends on underlynig OS version ...
Simply installing an RTS extension
and renaming java.lang.Thread instances to
javax.realtime.RealtimeThread will not turn the
application into a real-time app.
I just wanted to know what is Gamas reaction to real world compared under different
underlyng OS.
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux are not he same.
I understand but, let me say, your sample code had nothing to do with
realtime... it was simply "fast as much as possible", without any
mechanism to ensure some kind of real-time response to some event. To
only read a counter is not enough. I can run 4 stepper motors directly
(no step+direction, but driving the phases directly instead) with a CPU
more than 100 times slower than a x86 CPU. But this is possible using
interrupts. Practically every OS can, in some way, use interrupts -
gambas can not. So, the only way in gambas to do precise timing is to
let it run alone, with maximum priority and privileges. Or, to delegate
high timing precision to some external piece of software (a libray or a
driver) which can take advantage of interrupts, or callbacks, or signals.
On the other hand I think that gambas can, with tight loops, do delays
like you did in the original source. Surely it is predictable enough to
let you calculate in some way the correct amount of cycling to obtain
the needed delay - the fact is that gambas will never be the only thing
running on the system, and you have little control about that. The same
problem of windows xp - if you want precise timing, you must obtain
privileges, either for the program or using a driver. I must also add
that, without particular precautions, linux is more predictable about
sleep() than win2000 or xp.
Doriano Blengino
"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."
Download Intel&#174; Parallel Studio Eval
Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs
proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance.
See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
Gambas-user mailing list
------- End of Original Message -------
2010-04-19 13:28:33 UTC
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I wanted to know how predictable and reliable GAMBAS is when a reaction to real-world events is required.
Let say that Java RealTimeSystem is intended only for suitable operating systems, which means that only a
real-time operating system, such as QNX, is appropriate for implementing the JVM.
So that means it depends on underlynig OS version ...
Simply installing an RTS extension
and renaming java.lang.Thread instances to
javax.realtime.RealtimeThread will not turn the
application into a real-time app.
I just wanted to know what is Gamas reaction to real world compared under different underlyng OS.
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux are not he same.
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through paralel port
Received: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 12:27 PM
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I have VB6 program that run CNC plasma
machine. It work very well and smooth under win200, but in
WinXP machine motion is not good.
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
It doesnot help if I set REALTIME prority for
the process ...
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
How about Linux and Gambas? Daes it depent on
version of Linux ...
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
What is resolution for Gambas Timer? Can I
wait 10 microsec do something wait 10 microsec and so on
Post by Doriano Blengino
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
Uhm... under linux, no matter what version, you can
use the parallel
Post by Doriano Blengino
port and high resolution timers, but... 10 us? What is
the speed of your
Post by Doriano Blengino
Anyway, I see it difficult to do it in gambas, mainly
because of tight
Post by Doriano Blengino
GUI integration and impossibility to use interrupts;
the best way would
Post by Doriano Blengino
be to separate hi-level logic from lo-level timing,
perhaps through a
Post by Doriano Blengino
library written in C.
Yes, I agree. I did a lot of work with parallel ports in
the past, but I
would not attempt a serious application for that job in
Since I retired, I have been building my own hobby CNC
machines, but I
just use EMC2. It is GPL, and very efficient, so I figured
I had no need
to write my own app.
Les Hardy
To get a feeling what is doable you can use the timer command for
benchmarking. Example:

PUBLIC SUB Benchmark()
DIM startTime AS Float
DIM stoptime AS Float
DIM i AS Integer
FOR i = 1 TO 10
startTime = Timer
'whatever you want to benchmark comes next
'in this case we time a wait for an empty event queue
'end of benchmarked code
stoptime = Timer
PRINT "Waiting took " & ((stoptime - startTime) * 1000) & " msecs"

The above benchmark takes between 8 and 18 microseconds on my machine.


Zelimir Ikovic
2010-04-18 23:43:39 UTC
Thank you all, in last few emails is answer!
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Did anybody try to run stepper motors through paralel port
Received: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 2:07 PM
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
I wanted to know how predictable and reliable GAMBAS
is when a reaction to real-world events is required.
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
Let say that Java RealTimeSystem is intended only for
suitable  operating systems, which means that only a
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
real-time operating system, such as QNX, is
appropriate for implementing the JVM.
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
So that means it depends on underlynig OS version ...
  Simply installing an RTS extension
  and renaming java.lang.Thread instances to
  javax.realtime.RealtimeThread will not turn the
  application into a real-time app.
  I just wanted to know what is Gamas reaction to
real world compared under different underlyng OS.
Post by Zelimir Ikovic
  FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Linux are not he same.
I understand but, let me say, your sample code had nothing
to do with
realtime... it was simply "fast as much as possible",
without any
mechanism to ensure some kind of real-time response to some
event. To
only read a counter is not enough. I can run 4 stepper
motors directly
(no step+direction, but driving the phases directly
instead) with a CPU
more than 100 times slower than a x86 CPU. But this is
possible using
interrupts. Practically every OS can, in some way, use
interrupts -
gambas can not. So, the only way in gambas to do precise
timing is to
let it run alone, with maximum priority and privileges. Or,
to delegate
high timing precision to some external piece of software (a
libray or a
driver) which can take advantage of interrupts, or
callbacks, or signals.
On the other hand I think that gambas can, with tight
loops, do delays
like you did in the original source. Surely it is
predictable enough to
let you calculate in some way the correct amount of cycling
to obtain
the needed delay - the fact is that gambas will never be
the only thing
running on the system, and you have little control about
that. The same
problem of windows xp - if you want precise timing, you
must obtain
privileges, either for the program or using a driver. I
must also add
that, without particular precautions, linux is more
predictable about
sleep() than win2000 or xp.
Doriano Blengino
"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."
Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval
Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling,
find bugs
proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel
See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
Gambas-user mailing list