[Gambas-user] Pre-release of Gambas 3.10.0 two confirme bug since 3.5 by Cristof
2017-07-22 11:08:49 UTC
I just tested Gambas daily, it does some weird thing with indentation in
the editor of the IDE when a string before an "If" goes over more than
one line.
the "weird!" IDE line hanglind are since gambas 3.5, the line has some
strange behaviour..

1) when a string before an "If" goes over more than one line. if the
identation was set by user, when just push "intro" to make a new line, the
identation always goes to 2 spaces, and the user set identation are not

2) when the ide has a large line that does not word wrap, the next last 8
chars of the line that are close to the limit of the screen are not showed,
user must push/move more chars to the right to show complete and discover
the left of the line, i mean if the line are too large, in the limits of
the screen 8 chars are never showed
I have a query against a Postgresql function which returns the
postgresql type "date".
This its a well knowed "another bug" respect the databases support in
gambas, reported by me some time ago, i can't find where, but was before
new bugtraker , there many other .. due too much focus in mysql...
10/01/2012 02:00:00
11/01/2012 02:00:00
(All my statistics with gnuplot are fucked up now ...)
(Yes I know, I should have to format the date)
Alles Gute
Christof Thalhofer
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Christof Thalhofer
2017-07-23 09:32:19 UTC
Post by PICCORO McKAY Lenz
I just tested Gambas daily, it does some weird thing with indentation in
the editor of the IDE when a string before an "If" goes over more than
one line.
the "weird!" IDE line hanglind are since gambas 3.5, the line has some
strange behaviour..
No. That what I reported was not in 3.9, and it is already fixed.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer
Dies ist keine Signatur
2017-07-23 14:21:53 UTC
ok i see it but there's still the problem of line handling, if the cursor
go to the end.. i must still pulse 8 times more to ide show the rest of the

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
Post by Christof Thalhofer
Post by PICCORO McKAY Lenz
I just tested Gambas daily, it does some weird thing with indentation in
the editor of the IDE when a string before an "If" goes over more than
one line.
the "weird!" IDE line hanglind are since gambas 3.5, the line has some
strange behaviour..
No. That what I reported was not in 3.9, and it is already fixed.
Alles Gute
Christof Thalhofer
Dies ist keine Signatur
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